In mid-April the Texas Department of Agriculture granted registration to Adama for Highcard™ herbicide, a novel safened herbicide used as part of the RiceTec Max-Ace™ Rice Cropping Solution.
The US Rice Producers Association played a key role in the support of this registration and is glad to hear this product will be available for growers this season. The Max-Ace Rice Cropping Solution gives rice growers an excellent tool for weed control, high-yield, a rice rotation alternative to the FullPage™ Rice Cropping Solution, and conventional offerings from RiceTec.
Missouri rice farmer and USRPA board member, Chris Berry is in the midst of planting RiceTec's FullPage 7321 in the Bootheel using a 60' wide planter with section command. Berry plants both on a 0-grade flat field and a row rice field.