As part of the USDA's Cochran Fellowship Program, a group of six Guatemalans and Hondurans are currently participating in the U.S. Rice Quality, Marketing, and Pricing training program. The two-week program includes stops in Louisiana, Arkansas, Tennessee, and the D.C. area, and will help importers learn how to market U.S. rice products and showcase the variety and quality of U.S. rice, with the goal of increasing exports of U.S. rice to Guatemala and Honduras.
The group stopped in Lacassine, Louisiana for a tour of the South Louisiana Rail Facility on Tuesday. Mark Pousson, general manager of the SLRF and USRPA board member, hosted the tour, noting, "It was a great opportunity for staff and representatives to learn about our facilities firsthand and understand our industry.”
The fellows include Roberto Wong, Executive Director of ARROZGUA and long-time partner of US Rice Producers Association. Roberto noted that it was good for the group to be able to meet and learn from Mark directly about the success of the Louisiana rice industry.