Empacadora Nor-Ver Visits Gulf Coast Rice Farmers

August 20, 2021

Gabriel Figueroa Herrera, owner and manager of Empacadora Nor-Ver S.A. de C.V., a rice packaging and milling company located in Panuco, Tamaulipas, Mexico, visited the Texas Gulf Coast to gain a better understanding of the rice production and how farmers market their crop.  Hosted by the US Rice Producers Association, Mr. Figueroa met with numerous farmers and dryers, and paid a visit to Colorado County Rice Mill near Eagle Lake.  Located in northern Veracruz, Nor-Ver is dedicated to the purchase, packaging, sale, and distribution of high quality grains and pulses, both from domestic production and imported.  First operated as a packaging operation, the company started milling rice three years ago.  

Mr. Figueroa was impressed with his visit and upon departing back to Mexico said, “thank you for all the attention and for addressing so many aspects of rice farming and the opportunity to know the US Rice Producers Association, and learn about your efforts in Mexico”, while adding, “you will see us doing business with American rice farmers.” 

Mr. Figueroa plans to visit the Mississippi Delta and Louisiana gulf coast regions later in the fall to understand how rice is marketed along the Mississippi River and New Orleans. 


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