
History of when rice started growing in the areas, brief history of when they formed/joined USRPA. The Texas Rice Council was one of the original associations to form the US Rice Producers Association in 1997.


How much rice is grown, types, where the rice is sold or what areas it’s grown in, etc. State group that’s a member of USRPA and who their leadership is. The Texas Rice Council is made up of Texas rice farmers who’s mission is to promote Texas rice in all its forms. Rice is grown in the east side of Texas, but because of urban development and increasing water costs, rice acreage has decreased significantly over the years.


1685 - After a storm at sea, a ship from Madagascar limped into Charleston harbor to receive repairs. As a way of offering thanks to the colonists, the ship’s captain, John Thurber, made a gift of a small quantity of “Golden Seed Rice” to a local planter Dr. Henry Woodward. Slaves from Sierra Leon and other countries on the western coast of Africa taught their American owners how to farm rice using the African methods. By 1695 production of rice spread rapidly and by 1695 was being used to pay taxes and as rent payments to British proprietors. Texas Rice 1863 - 1892 1863 – The first major rice farmer in Texas was David French in Beaumont, but commercial production only developed when:
  • The Southern Transcontinental Railroad was completed in 1883 and was acquired by the Southern Pacific Railroad in 1885.
  • Cheap land became available on the coastal prairies.
  • Modern rice mills were introduced.
  • Improved mechanized equipment could be obtained.
1886 – Edgar Carruthers, Louis Bordages, and Dan Wingate produced the first large commercial crop on a 200-acre farm near Beaumont and shipped it by rail to New Orleans for milling. 1891 – Joseph F. Broussard established the first rice irrigation and canal system in Beaumont 1892 – Joseph F. Broussard added a rice mill in Beaumont


Elected Texas Rice Council Board Members

Southwest Representatives
  • Galen Franz, Victoria County
  • Jason Franz, Matagorda County
  • Ben Hoffpauir, Matagorda County
Northeast & East
  • John Jenkins, Chambers County
  • William Reneau, Jefferson County
  • Casey Smith, Brazoria County
  • Steve Devillier, Chambers County
  • Neil Stoesser, Liberty County
  • Thomas Wynn, Wharton County
  • Andy Anderson, Colorado
  • William Garrett, Lavaca
  • David Welch, Waller
  • Raymond Rabius, Wharton
  • Frank Stasney, Fort Bend
Members At-Large
  • Tommy Turner
  • Dennis DeLaughter

State Associate Members

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