Raul Caballero and Violeta Picazzo, USRPA's new representatives in Mexico, at the 2022 Rice Market & Technology Convention in Cancun.
To continue with the US Rice Producers Association promotional program in Mexico funded under the FAS/MAP budget, USRPA has recently hired Mercalimentos Consulting firm, located in Mexico City and led by Raul Caballero and Violeta Picazzo. Through their company, Raul and Violeta have represented various U.S. trade associations that promote U.S. products into Mexico and Latin America since the beginning of NAFTA, now USMCA. For over 20 years Mercalimentos Consultores has represented the US Dry Bean Council, the USA Dry Pea and Lentil Council, the National Sunflower Association, the US Popcorn Board, and the Food Export Association Midwest and Food Export Association Northeast, helping hundreds of companies facilitate business relationships. Mercalimentos has the experience to manage FAS-USDA programs such as the MAP, FMD, EMP, GBI programs, having an excellent relationship with the FAS-USDA offices in Mexico and the majority of Latin America. In the development of this new relationship with USRPA, Mercalimentos has been given the task to develop the new Spanish logo “USA Arroz” (US Rice), as well as a new website. They also oversee the social media program management for the Facebook and Instagram pages Consume Arroz USA, with the inclusion of content development through popular local chefs in Mexico, as well as a program of posts that promote the nutrition qualities and advantages of consuming U.S. rice.
During the month of May, Raul and Violeta had the opportunity to attend the Rice Market & Technology Convention in Cancun, to initiate connections in person with the USRPA staff and membership. They will share more about their attendance experience in their next article. US Rice Producers Association is excited to welcome Mercalimentos to the team!
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