USDA Announces $1.3 Billion Investment for Regional Agricultural Promotion Program

November 3, 2023
On Thursday, USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack announced a $2.3 billion investment in market development and food aid, including $1.3 billion for a Regional Agricultural Promotion Program, or RAPP, which will enable exporters to break into new markets and increase market share in growth markets.
According to USDA, for every $1 invested in export market development, exports are increased by $24.50. Increased agricultural exports means income directly back to producers.
"In the midst of a constantly evolving global rice market, we're grateful to have USDA's support in growing new markets and bolstering existing ones," Marcela Garcia, President and CEO of US Rice Producers Association, said. "We're grateful for the continued partnership with Congress and USDA to help the U.S. rice producer find success around the world."
Details on the program's regulations and timeline are still forthcoming.
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